Conscious Wealth®

Family Office

Imagine being able to talk with the closest people in your life about important money topics without tension, discomfort, or drama. Everyone constructively shares how they feel and each conversation is productive, respectful, and harmonious.

At Conscious Wealth, we use an integrated approach to help families, business partners, and individuals have candid conversations about money — and help them move past blocks to having these important discussions. Think of it as an intimate gathering mixed with professionally facilitated conversations around wealth planning that cultivates wellness, mental health, and spirituality.

The Philosophy

Conscious Wealth is a philosophy that emphasizes using wealth purposefully for personal fulfillment and positive societal impact. Our professional coaching promotes an integrated approach, focusing on expansive thinking, connection, perspective, spirituality, wellness, and holistic health, rather than just financial gain.

Expansive Wealth

Refers to a broad and inclusive understanding of wealth that goes beyond financialabundance to include emotional, intellectual, spiritual, and relational richness.Expansive wealth emphasizes the value of diverse aspects of one’s life andcommunity, nurturing growth and abundance in all areas.



How individuals view their wealth and resources. It encourages seeing wealth not just in monetary terms but in terms of opportunities for personal growth, contributing to societal improvement, and fostering environmental sustainability. It also involves being aware of one’s own biases and the broader impacts of one’s financial decisions.

  • faith

Holistic Health

Ensuring that wealth contributes to the complete physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being of an individual and their community. It supports the notion that true wealth includes living in a state of health that enables joy, productivity, and satisfaction in various aspects of life.

  • mental
  • physical


The quality and depth of relationships with others and the environment. It includes fostering strong, supportive, and reciprocal relationships that enhance communal wealth and individual fulfillment. It also stresses the importance of being connected with one’s values and actions when managing and accumulating wealth.


The Process

At Conscious Wealth, our coaching prioritizes the process above all else. It empowers us to establish a robust foundation and sustain our growth. While we tailor each engagement with families to their unique needs, we always adhere to our established process. The process allows multi-generational families to redefine generational wealth.

The Outcome

Our comprehensive services provide tailored estate plans, strategic philanthropy plans, and personalized investment strategies that align with your investment philosophy, values, and vision. Engage with us to enhance family dynamics and personal well-being, unlocking the full potential of your wealth. Thrive, transform, and build a meaningful legacy with every strategic step we take together.

Hover to Align

Smith Family Investment Philosophy

Investment Strategy

The Smith Family Estate Plan

Philanthropy Plan

Values and Vision

Next Generation Education

Family Statement of Values

Business Succession Plan

Individual's Vision

The Smith Family Estate Plan

Investment Strategy

Philanthropy Plan

Values and Vision

Next Generation Education

Business Succession Plan

Family Statement of Values

Individual's Vision

Smith Family Investment Philosophy


Let's talk

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