The Center for Conscious Wealth®

Imagine being able to talk with the closest people in your life about important money topics and everyone is getting along. Everyone constructively shares how they feel. And each conversation is productive, respectful, and harmonious. 

At The Center for Conscious Wealth, we use an integrated approach to help families, business partners, and individuals have candid conversations about money — and help the challenges holding them back from having these important discussions. Think of it as an intimate gathering mixed with consulting and wealth planning mixed with facilitated conversations that cultivates wellness, mental health and spirituality.

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The Experience

For Families

At The Center, our core offering focuses on families. In this experience, everything revolves around your family’s unique dynamics — and the elements that can help you foster harmony.

Through a facilitated framework, we’ll guide you in productive conversations designed specifically to meet your needs and goals. Every factor reflects the topics you care about — and the experiences you enjoy. From the location you visit to the foods you eat to the events you participate in, we curate every moment just for you.

For Business Partners and Individuals

Sometimes, the most productive and honest discussions happen when you have a trusted facilitator guiding you.


At the Center, we also help business partners and individuals talk through important discussions that center around money and awaken a new way forward. To do so, we adapt our retreat experience for families to best address the unique needs that business partners and individuals face in their wealth planning. In this setup, individuals experience the retreat in a group environment.

The Process

Each person does pre-work around the specific money topic/s you need to address. We use these responses to design your unique experience, including facilitated topics, location, and activities.

You leave The Center with valuable takeaways, such as a groundwork for your mission and money strategies. Most importantly, you gain clarity, meaning, and depth around what you appreciate and need — and a renewed ability to foster unity in your beliefs and actions.

Families and Individuals

  • Workshops for Senior Leaders and Spouses, including professional forums like YPO, Tiger 21 and EO
  • Weekend Retreats for Families and Individuals
  • Financially Informed Divorce Consultation
  • Multigenerational Family Strategy
  • Framework Creation for Estate Planning and Multigenerational Wealth
  • Family-Conflict Consulting


Business Partners

  • Conflict Consulting Between Business Partners
  • Business Succession Planning
  • Exit Planning

Your Facilitators

Brandon Hatton
Co-Founder of the center for Conscious Wealth®

Brandon Hatton began his career in the financial services industry working tirelessly at Merrill Lynch. His business proposition — and that of the industry overall — was simple: if clients gave him money, his goal was to make them more money. In this mission, he came across many people with seemingly unlimited financial means who were living unfulfilled lives. Despite their financial success, they were stuck chasing more in a vicious cycle of fear and insecurity.

Brandon knew a better way was not only possible — but necessary. Similar to his clients, his fixation on creating wealth had destroyed his own health, relationships, and sense of self. He then realized that, for many, in the quest to have “enough,” they often fail to realize that they are enough.

And so Brandon founded Conscious Wealth, a mindset around money that allows people to focus on what matters: a life of growth and fulfillment. Through this framework, he empowers people to grow as individuals and families, and to find confidence in having enough money. This foundation frees them to live with purpose and create abundance and impact for themselves and their communities.

Alissa Harper Pease
Co-Founder of the center for Conscious Wealth®

To Alissa, Conscious Wealth is about bringing awareness to what it means to be human — and to foster consciousness within the relationships we form with ourselves and our loved ones. Sometimes, hidden challenges can prevent people from leading with integrity and being forthright with one another. Alissa believes that every human develops patterns that at some point stop working for them. Rather than provide a sense of comfort, these patterns can foster tense dynamics and distrust among families. But from her perspective, each person has the ability to embrace their humanity and infuse joy into their lives.

In her role at the Center for the Conscious Wealth, Alissa is passionate about guiding families along their journey to Conscious Wealth — and helping them hold space for healing. She aims to help each person and family lead with compassion and arrive at a place of clarity and understanding. Through these experiences, they can have honest conversations that honor their voices and respect their needs. From this foundation, families can embrace a mindset of true abundance.

In her free time, Alissa appreciates any opportunity to create meaningful experiences. She loves libraries and reading, the chance to be in the great outdoors, and the coziness that comes from home and family.

Let’s talk

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